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Quick Start to Community Service

Choose at least one of the many troop-organized service projects offered throughout the year and SIGN UP. This is the easiest and most efficient way to ensure you meet service requirements for rank advancement. You may choose a project outside of the Troop and get pre-approval from the Scoutmaster and notify GT58 Community Service Coordinator by emailing them at

Always follow youth protection guidelines and volunteer with another scout, parent or leader. This is for your safety and is a BSA requirement. GT projects must have at least one adult female trained in YPT.

Plan your project so you help a whole community and not an individual or private group. Download and print the Community Service Hours Reporting Form linked below or pick up a paper copy from the advancement team at any troop meeting.

You may perform service to help an Eagle Project, your school, religious organization, a charitable organization, our Chartering Organization the Davidson Lion’s Club or a local community event or non-profit. See complete guidelines for details and examples.

Ask an adult helping to run the event to sign your form. Parents should only sign if they are running the event, there is no one person in charge of volunteers or you have completed an individual project.

Email your completed, legible and double-checked form to OR submit a paper copy to your advancement team at a Troop Meeting within 30 days. Email is preferred so you keep a copy and can resubmit if necessary.

Check requirements for your rank advancement and specific Merit Badges when planning your community service.  Get pre-approval if you have any doubt whether your project meets requirements.

Adult service hours are counted too! These contribute to our Journey to Excellence Award. No forms are needed, just send an email or text with details.

Have fun representing Troop 58 while doing a good turn and Thank You for your service!

Community Service Documents

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