Welcome to Troop 58!
You have made a great decision to be a part of Scouting in Davidson!
New Scout Checklist
Complete the BSA Youth Application online
(Transfer scouts see below for registration. Do not use #1. This is for New Scouts ONLY).
If you are transferring from another scouting unit, DO NOT use the below link.
The application website will indicate a balance is due, please pay this balance for National registration.
Pay Membership dues via check made out to DLC Girl Troop 58. Dues for the year are $200. Dues include scout registration, insurance, rank patches, position patches and merit badge patches.
Complete a full BSA Health Form, (Parts A, B, and C) which includes a physical exam by a certified medical practitioner. Please bring two copies of the health form, current immunization record and health insurance card to the troop meeting. Parts A and B are needed ASAP. Part C can be submitted before longer trips, like summer camp.
Important Health Form Tips:
Families should keep a copy so they have it for scouting events attended outside of troop.
Health Forms expire annually. They are good through the end of the month they are dated.
Please make sure troop gets 2 new copies when you renew it. -
Click Here to see example of commonly missed items on health form.
Tetanus is required within the past 10 years.
Purchase a field uniform (Class-A) and a Scout Handbook. The field uniform includes BSA Scout shirt, pants, belt, socks, shoulder loops, neckerchief and neckerchief slide (note: neckerchiefs are provided by the Troop). Uniform costs are the responsibility of each Scout family. A book cover is recommended. Scouts use the same book for the entire time and the cover helps protect it.
Purchase patches. GT58 has a custom 58 patch for the left
sleeve that can be purchased through the Troop for $5 or
you can choose to purchase Unit Numbers "58" at the Scout Shop.
Purchase other patches: American Flag, World Crest and The Mecklenburg County Council shoulder patch or Mecklenburg County Council custom BSA shoulder patch (only at the Council Shop in Charlotte). This was specially designed for the Mecklenburg County Council Scouts BSA kick-off!
Upon registration, our activity uniform (Class-B) coordinator will contact you to schedule pick up of your Troop 58 neckerchief, Class-B t-shirt and patrol patch. New Scouts get an initial Class-B t-shirt, neckerchief and patrol patch. Replacement neckerchiefs ($18), Class-B t-shirts ($15) and patrol patches ($5) can be purchased through the Troop.
Transferring Scouts Checklist
Transferring Scouts from another scouting unit
If you are a scout transferring from another unit, please do not register online. Complete a transfer form and bring it to Scoutmaster, Tanya Chartier or Advancement Chair, Denise Robles for approval.
Complete a new BSA Youth Member Application Form.
Pay Membership dues via check made out to DLC Girl Troop 58.
Send to P.O. Box 1115 Davidson, NC 28036
Membership Contact:
Greta Wolff, Membership Chair